COVID-Related Election Litigation Tracker

Case Details

This database consolidates and tracks litigation concerning the effect of the pandemic on election law. The purpose of this tool is to provide an interactive list of relevant cases that can be searched by issue, court, status, and jurisdiction.

Case Details


Polasek-Savage v. Benson


Polasek-Savage v. Benson, No. 20-000217-MM (Mich. Ct. Claims)

  Case Summary Plaintiffs challenged a rule in Oakland County that organizations approved to appoint election challengers will be permitted to have only one challenger present at each combined absent voter counting board. The issue concerns the number of election challengers that can be present at a combined absent voter counting board established under MCL 168.764d(1)(a).
Filed 11/02/2020
State Michigan
Type of Court State
Status Closed
Last Updated 05/14/2021
Issue Tag(s) In-Person Voting COVID Concern (Other In-Person Voting Issue)
Poll Observers
Complaint(s) 11/02/2020: Complaint filed.
Dispositive Ruling(s) 11/03/2020: Order/Ruling, Court denied request for declaratory judgment, finding that Defendants, Secretary of State and Oakland County did not have power to grant the relief requested.
Creative Commons License  Covid-Related Election Litigation Tracker by the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project – Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.