COVID-Related Election Litigation Tracker

Case Details

This database consolidates and tracks litigation concerning the effect of the pandemic on election law. The purpose of this tool is to provide an interactive list of relevant cases that can be searched by issue, court, status, and jurisdiction.

Case Details


City of Green Bay v. Bostelmann


City of Green Bay v. Bostelmann, No. 1:20-cv-00479 (E.D. Wis.)

  Case Summary After the Wisconsin Governor, Secretary-Designee, and Election Committee refused to postpone the April 2020 election, the City and Mayor of Green Bay sought declaratory and injunctive relief permitting them to delay the election to June 2020, extend the voter registration deadline, be relieved of in person registration and abentee voting requirements, and send mail ballots to all registered voters.
Filed 03/23/2020
State Wisconsin
Type of Court Federal
Circuit Seventh Circuit
Status Closed
Last Updated 09/01/2020
Issue Tag(s) Vote-by-Mail (Mail Voting Deadlines (for Applying, Receiving, Postmark), Failure to Mail Ballots w/out Application to All Registered Voters)
In-Person Voting COVID Concern (Suspension of In-Person Voting, Lack of Safety Measures for In-Person Voting)
Authority To Act (State Separation of Powers, Other)
Voter Registration Deadline
Postpone/Cancel Primary Deadline
Authority to Act Other: authority of city to change state voting requirements
Complaint(s) 03/24/2020: Complaint filed.
03/26/2020: Complaint, Amended Complaint filed.
Dispositive Ruling(s) 03/27/2020: Order/Ruling, Dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Under the political subdivisions standing doctrine, the city entities and officials lacked standing to bring federal constitutional claims because they are not persons within the meaning of the due process clause. The Mayor lacked standing because his claim was too speculative.
Creative Commons License  Covid-Related Election Litigation Tracker by the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project – Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.